Monday, March 4, 2013

I know, I know...

I know, I know... IT HAS BEEN FoReVeR, like FOREVER!  Few things that have happened since the last update.  Casey is still at Potandon, we actually met the previous owner of our house through Potandon because Casey worked with her.  We bought our house in Idaho Falls

 on April 27, 2012.  The previous owner was a HUGE hoarder, like HUGE.  We didn't move in till about a week and half after we bought the house.  It took that long to make it liveable and clean (don't worry we knew it would be a lot of work, A LOT).  Our first night in the house was May 3, 2012.  I went into labor with Paden, sunday night May 6, 2012 and Paden was born May 7, 2012 at 6:13 am.  Two weeks early I might add (which was totally fine with me!)

Below was our first night home, exhausted and feeling a little overwhelmed... Well at least I was, Paden didn't have a care in the world...

I am so grateful that I got some professional newborn pictures of Paden.  I didn't with Tate which I regret so much (there is no way we could have afforded it when we had Tate) here is one of my favorites.

My sweet Tate had to have surgery at Primary Childrens Hospital on November 9, 2012.  Let's just say his manhood is not in total working condition yet.  He has to have another surgery on April 16th of this year.  Hopefully it will be the last and all will be well!  This picture below was right after his last surgery.  He got a stomach virius the same day as his surgery :( double wamie.  He was a pretty sick kiddo!

With the house we have been in processes of cleaning, updating, painting, removing wallpaper (I hate wallpaper).  We knocked out a wall on our main floor...




At first I was a little nervous about the outcome, but I LoVE it!  Since then we have finished the sheetrock (well Casey and his Dad finished I just watched and kept the kids away from the 'wicked awesome' tools.  Those are Tates words with any type of tools) and we have painted it chocolate brown.  It is such a nice change and opens it up SO much!

Casey and I decieded a couple weeks back that we need to change our eating a exercise habits.  We decided to do P90X.  I started last Monday and Casey started today.  Last monday I also became a BeachBody Coach.  Why?  Because I have started over and over and over again with P90X, I have gained weight that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.  I was tired of that and the only way I could finish P90X was to become a coach.  It keeps me motivated, it keeps me accountable and now that the world (facebook and email, inernet is amazing) is knowing what I am doing I cannot fail.  I am going to prove it to myself and the world that I can do it.  If I can inspire people along the way, that is all that matters.  I started a group on Facebook that is called "My Beautiful Body" well this week I am launching a blog that is called "My Beautiful Body" it is mostly my therapy and my accountablity of doing all that I plan too.  Why it is called "My Beautiful Body" is because for most my life I have hated my body and thought it was anything but 'beautiful'.  I have to let go and accept and realized just how beautiful my body is and love it at every weight I am at.  I'm not going to accept anything less then my goals but I am going to love every step my body takes and know that I am beautiful at 245 (my heaviest weight) right down to my goal weight which is 145 pounds.  Be looking for that blog, it'll come up this week!

I am determined to be better at blogging and recording a little bit of history in my life online, like a journal.  Until next time (which will be soon!) Have a wonderful night!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well we are now settled in all nice and cozy on D----- Drive! So far this is the nicest place we have lived in. It's a two story townhome: 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 bath with a small garage. I must say it's nice taking the small steps to eventually getting into a house! Casey is enjoying his job at Potandon Produce as one of their QA's (quality assurance) he is the guy who goes to all the potato warehouses and tells them if they can ship out their potatoes or not. Sounds like fun huh? He does a ton of traveling all around Eastern Idaho and he is getting very good at Spanish. Tate is a silly, handsome, studly, busy bee, entertainer, funnier then funny little guy. His personality is coming out more and more everyday. He is talking and gibbering all the time. His two best friends are Dad and his cousin Teague. I love watching Tate and Teague together, when they see each other they just smile and giggle then a hug and they are off! When they get older they are going to cause A TON of trouble. I guess that's what you get when you are 6 days apart :)
We see blessings all the time and I am grateful for what we have!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can you believe it?!

It's hard for me to even believe it! Since moving back to Idaho we have truly been blessed. Casey got hired on at Potandon Produce where he will become an expert at potatoes and onions ;). Seriously it is an awesome job with awesome pay, benefits and the whole shabang! We found a townhouse that we are moving into next Friday. Everything is working out so amazing it's hard to believe that it is all real! I am so grateful for family who has supported us 110% through this whole thing. That my sister opened up her home to us, which can't be easy being pregnant with your third baby. That my nephews let us invade their playroom downstairs and being good sports about sharing their toys with Tate. Life is good and I feel so grateful and so blessed! Someone up in heaven loves us ;)
I will update more when we move and are settled in!
Love you all!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

All stories have an ending you know...

One of our last nights as residents in Moses Lake
Remembering the good times... A crazy, fun mutual with my girlies who I miss!
Their natural sides come out ;)
Our first day in our apartment in Moses Lake

While watching "The Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh" (with the cutest little boy) this quote came up that hit me hard. At the end when the narrator announces that the story is done- Pooh says "Can't we go back to page one and do it all over again?" The narrator says "No Pooh, ALL STORIES HAVE AN ENDING YOU KNOW." It made me look back on everything that has happened this month, year and my life. At first I thought of our situation Casey being laid off, moving from Moses Lake. Leaving all our friends and our life there behind in a blink... Wishing at the moment when we got the call that Casey was laid off that we could go back to page one to do it all over again. I will always be grateful for Moses Lake, everything I learned about myself, my husband and what we can acchomplish together. At times it was rough, but most of the time we had the most fun. We truly blossomed where we stood mostly because we had too because we were far away from anything we knew. We made some of the best friends we will ever have while living in Moses. But like all things "all stories have an ending you know" now I think that our temporary situation will have an ending. I know if we keep our heads up with a smile on our faces we will get through. Trials are my stories that have an ending, if we look back and learn something from it then Heavenly Father will trust enough to give you another story. I am mostly writing this because it has been a discouraging last weeks hearing a lot of NO's. Sometime soon I know we will hear a YES and our story will have an ending just in time to start another page one.

Monday, January 31, 2011

I wish I was as thin as I was when I thought I was fat

The first post! Casey and I are undertaking a HUGE new years resoultion. It's the typical one that ends up on everyone's list. WORKING OUT AND DIETING. We recently got a gym membership to World Gym and have been going at it everyday. It'll be a week on Friday and I have already lost 2 pounds... HORRAY!!! When I found this picture I laughed out loud because... I thought the exact thing about a month ago while looking at pictures of when I thought I was fat. This picture is so funny but give me motivation :) I will be always updating our progress and when I get brave enough I will post before and after pictures... When I'm brave enough...